sliceOmatic 4.3 - Previous versions
Critical updates
New features an updates
Minor changes
Fix a problem with Region Growing slider values.
Fix a problem for images that do not have pixel dimmentions
(ex: JPEG) that would freeze the surface/volume computation.
Add a new system variable: "$REGIONAL_FLOAT" that you can set to ","
to change the float values from xx.yy to xx,yy for european Excel.
In the command line, type "$REGIONAL_FLOAT = ,". You can also create
a script file with the same command.
Better control of the threshold values for Threshold and Region Growing modes.
Fix a problem with Spline masks and rectangular images: The mask was
clipped on the right portion of the image.
Fix a problem with the surface/volume result file creation
Add a "Calibration" file to help compute densities from CT HF values.
You need to provide a table of associated Houndsfield / density values,
read that table with the "read: calibration file name" table, and the
"Calibrated" values will be available in the surface/volume results.
The table is in ASCII with 2 values per line: the HF and associated
density. The HF must be sorted by increasing values. Any holes
in the values will be filled by sliceO with linear interpolation.
Fix a problem with DICOM colormap images.
Fix a bug where the size of the text in the inteface was not changed
immediately when the interface size was changed.
Fix a problem with volume computation if the slice thickness is larger
than the distance between slices. In that case, we assume
Delta_ab = ABS(Za-Zb)
Vab = Delta_ab * (1/3 ABS(Surf_a-Surf_b) + MIN(Surf_a,Surf_b)
Add a "Measure Roughness" tool in the 3D tools. This tool can be used
to measure the "roughness" of a 3D polygon surface.
Fix a problem with the medi-browser that prevent it from displaying a dir where
one of the image whas invalid.
Fix a a bug with the command "measure: * write file" that cause it to crash.
Add a propagate tool to the measurement mode.
Fix a 3D refresh problem on Windows-7.
Fix a license problem that prevent the program from seing the update license.
Fix a refresh problem in Windows Vista and 7.
Fix a memory problem intorduces in rev-8.
New license scheme (now valid after 2012).
Fix a crash with the script when some of the arguments are negative
Add the "Histogram" data to the DB surface result file. This
will give the number of pixels for each TAG for each GLI value.
This is usefull to compute densities from the Houndsfield values.
Re-work the measurement tools interface:
add top/but/up/down option per tool to help manipulate the tools.
just one "save" button, but you can select to save as
"txt" for numerical values, or "scp" for a script that
will enable to re-create the tool.
Clicking on a control of a tool will select it.
When manipulating multiples tools with overlapping controls, the
control of the currently selected tool will be grabbed first. If it
is not under the cursor, then the control of the top-most tool will
be selected.
Re-work on the tag masks interface:
Add "quadrant" tool. This tool has 3 controls, the first 2 define a
line, the 3rd define another line perpendicular to the first one.
These 2 lines split the screen in 4 quadrants. The quadrant containing
the top left corner of the image is 1, it will be tagged with the tool
selected color, the 3 other quadrant will be tagged with the select
color + 1 to 3.
Made sure that if the program incorrectly detect that the TAG file may
not be the correct one for the GLI file, you can re-save the tag file to
correct the warning.
Make some minor changes to support the Wacom tablettes.
To take advantage of the tablette, start the "Wacom Tablette Properties"
in "Grip Pen" "Eraser" settings, set the eraser to "Right Click"
in "Functions", the Touch strip should be set to Auto Scoll/Zoom
and the expressKeys can be remapped to any keys you like. The
buttom button can be set to "Modifier Ctrl" to help manipulate images.
The key mapping you chose here is associated with a key that can also
be remapped to any functions inside sliceOmatic.
2008 and Before
Fix an error in the volume computation if there is an overlap of
the slices. The volume was overestimated!
The old (and incorect) eq. was (when Delta, the gap is < 0):
Vab = (1/2 Ta + 1/2 Delta_ab) * Surf_a
+ (1/2 Tb + 1/2 Delta_ab) * Surf_b
- Delta_ab * (1/3 ABS(Surf_a-Surf_b) + MIN(Surf_a,Surf_b)
The correct equation is:
Vab = (1/2 Ta + Delta_ab) * Surf_a
+ (1/2 Tb + Delta_ab) * Surf_b
- Delta_ab * (1/3 ABS(Surf_a-Surf_b) + MIN(Surf_a,Surf_b)
Sync with DICOMatic DLL's version 1.8 rev-6d
Add a missing refresh when changing the threshold colors for color
images in thresholding.
Add a slider's lock for region growing and thresholding operations.
The "Scroll Lock" key can be used, when the cursor is over the slider,
to lock a slider. The script coammnds "Segment: slider" and
"region: ... slider" can also be used to lock the sliders.
Add the possibility to change the tag associated with the thresholds
in Threshold mode. You can us the optional "tag" argument in the
command "segment: threshold id val [tag]"
for ex: "segment: threshold 2 128 12" will set the second threshold
to the value 128 and associate it with the tag #12.
You can also change the associated tag of each of the 4 sliders by
pressing the "Up" or "Down" arrow key while the cursor is over the
Add blow-up pop-up windows for the Surface/Volume tool. if you
click on the associated "wind" button or if you double click
either on the graph or the value list, a new window with just
that information will pop-up.
Add support for little-endian Varian images.
Fixed a problem that prevent "tag to snake" from working.
Fixed a problem where some Analyze files that had unexpected header
size where not recognized.
Add "Transparency" to the "Display 2D Slices" tool in 3D modes.
As soon as the transparency is turn on, pixel of the "fill" color
will be invisible. The visibility of the rest of the image is
controlled by the transparency slider.
The slider select the transparency threshold. The transparency
value of the slices is affected by the current color scheme:
- For "Grey", the transparency is function of the GLI pixel value.
For "Mixed", the transparency of any untagged pixel is function of
the GLI pixel value, The transparency of the tagged pixel is
function of the tag number. (tag-1 will disapear before tag-2...).
For "Over" and TAG, The transparency of the tagged pixel is
function of the tag number. (tag-1 will disapear before tag-2...).
You can now use the "Ctrl" key along with the "Insert,Home,Page_Up..."
keys to display multiples slices with the "Display 2D Slices" tool in 3D modes.
Fixed a problem with re-sliced GLI files that occured when the slice
thickness and spacings did not match.
- Fix a bug with the interpolation for RGB images.
Add the "Lorensen" model to the 3D Polygon Shell mode. In this mode,
the polygons are created using Lorenson's geometry instead of the
usual "TomoVision" that we used before. This enable small 1 pixel wide
detailed to be created. However, this model will create a lot more
polygons, and the sub-sampling will be disabled.
c.f. "Marching Cube: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction
Algorithm", William E.Lorensen, Harvey E. Cline, Siggraph 1987,
Add missing Shell and Contour modes commands.
Add missing "Surface" commands.
Fix a bug with some DICOM images with multiple spaces
in the pading of VR=DS value strings.
Recompile with DICOMatic 1.8 rev-4b DLL
Add a message if you drop a tag file instead of the GLI on sliceO
Work on the interface when the tag files are at the wrong place
Add black border on the lines of the Geometrical Mask mode
Add "Pilot Lines". The flag to display the pilot lines is
associated with the key words "KEY_ACCEL_IMAGE_PILOT_ON",
by default, "KEY_ACCEL_IMAGE_PILOT_TOGGLE" is mapped to the
key "/". You can also use the system variable:
"$DISPLAY_2D_PILOT" and "$DISPLAY_2D_PILOT_ALL" to access this
Add a new 3D tool: "Display 2D Slices" to show the 2D images in
the 3D window. The "insert", "Delete", "Home" "End" "Page Up"
and "Page Donw" keys can be used to change the displayed studies,
groups and images.
Fix a problem with negative values in command lines. The support
of the mathematical operations (+-/*) in the command line caused
the negative values (ex: "-100") to be seen as 2 arguments ("-"
and "100"), causing syntax errors in some commands.
Fix a bug with tag (0028,0030) "Pixel Spacing". The x and y values
where inversed.
Decrease the influance of the "z" dir gradient to help the morpho segmentation for 3D volumes.
Match format changes of DICOmatic 1.8 rev-4.
Change the HASP license libraries
A few syntax changes in the script parser
Improved Raw_Header program
Some work on TIFF, Siemens SPI & Vision, FUJI DICOM, Kretz and JPEG formats.
Work on the slice Origin command in Admin and on the $IMAGE_CUR_ORG variable.
Fix another stack overflow in Morpho.
Use the new conversion libraries (DICOMatic 1.8).
Add the possibility of deleting measurement ROI key points.
Add th possibility of re-reading measurement script and
applying them to the current image is the original image
is not present.
Add a new measurement tool in the 3D modes to save geometries
informations such as lenght, surface and volumes.
Fix a bug that prevent startup script path from being more than 80 char.
Fix a bug in the "preferences" menu that cause some of the "set" command from being skipped.
Fix a bug that cause a crash: when closing all slices, the "Image Info" tool was not properly refreshed.
Add a window to offer to "save modified tags" before closing slices with Admin "close" button.
Remove patient ID from the overlay in mode "Anonymous".
Fix a bug in the variance. The value was wrong for large surfaces (>40000 pix).
Add a rounding fudge factor for region growing paint mode
Use the latest DLL from the conversion library (rev-10)
Fix a bug that limit the region growing script to 3 tag values
Fix a bug with spaces in file names in preferences
Add the patient name in the Exel output
Now output surfaces for all groups in surface/volume in mode all
Fix a bug that prevented single work commands to be used
Fix a problem with saving TAG for files that have multiples images in the same file. (such as Bruker...)
Add a scroll bar to the overwrite warning message for long file names.
Fix a bug with pixel interpolation that mix 2 adjecent slices
Better support of float pixel types
Add a "*" to untrusted values in the text overlays
Add a colormap in the overlay. The visibility of this colormap
is is controled by the 0x10 bit of the $DISPLAY_2D_OVERLAY_FLAG.
Also the keyborad shortcuts "OVERLAY-COLORMAP-ON", "OFF" and
"TOGGLE" have been added. The "OVERLAY-COLORMAP-TOGGLE" has been
mapped to the "c" key in sliceO_key.scp.
Use new DICOM DLL (1.8 rev-a)
Add missing "mode" word in Geometric mask script files
Add "Surface" geometric mask. This new mask is a circle
of fixed radius. The radius can be changed by a right click on the "surface" button.
Fix a bug that prevent DICOM images with "sequence tags" near the start of the image to be recognized.
Now check the number of valid geometries for the "write: geom ..." command to prevent a crash when no geometry exist.
Increase the stack size for Morpho computation to prevent a stack overflow.
Add a version number with the -v argument for GetFilename.exe
Fix a bug in the saving of GLI images. If not all images where
selected, the results in the Data-base programs would be wrong!
Fix a bug in the edition of re-sliced images
Add a chksum and UID to the TAG files to ensure that different
GLI with the same name do not overrite each other's TAG.
Add warning and confirmation if the above problem occur.
Fix a minor bug in re-slice & add axes
Add a warning message if attempt to measure an image with no
pixel dimentions values (ex: Secondary Capture)
Add missing sliceOconfig in install batch
Fix a bug that prevent STL files from being read.
Enable the LAA flag for 4Gb address space on 64 bit windows
Fix a few bugs in 32 bit images that prevent Morpho from working.
Add more space to display 32 bit GLI values
Add save & read option for the measurement tool
Add horiz. scrool bar to the measurement tools window
Fix a few bugs with groups of images that change over time
instead of over "depth".
Work on Admin Mode:
The goal is to help create a 3D set from multiples series.
Slices are now grouped differently: by series and
acquisition if these values are present.
Add 2 new buttons "Offset Selection" and "Reset
Selection" to add a "d" offset to multiple slices at once
"Sort Group" now pop a warning window if it can
not creat a 3D volume.
Change the default tag file name treatment. Now tag
file name that have non-UNIX characters in their name
are treated "as is" (like in sliceO 4.2). The file
name can be "cleaned-up" by setting the TAG_UNIX_name
flag with the command "set: TAG_UNIX_name 1". If sliceO
can not read tag images created with previous versions of
4.3, set this flag to 1.
Add a "Units" tools to change the units of the distances
surfaces and volumes in the program.
Add a "Color Map" tool to change the default B&W colors
used to display the GLI images.
Add p=num and g=num in the file: read script command to
preserve the image grouping when saving and reading slices
with script files.
Some changes to the script parser to help when reading
files with spaces in the names
Fix a refresh bug in Mode threshold (only the displayed
images where refreshed correctly)
Add some info for groups in Admin
Implemented the automatic memory manager.
It will automatcally clear seldom used memory to keep
the amount of memory used by the program under the
"high water" mark. The following variables can be used
to control the memory manager: (c.f. manual)
$MEMORY_RAM R in Mbytes
Fix a bug with te Snake from TAG function
Add the possibility to save/read Snakes with script files
Fix a graphic bug with the Measurement Mode icons
Implemented new variables and script commands to control
the Volume rendering (Volume and MIP Modes)
Fix a bug that prevent thread from starting if the memory was to full
Remove first tab in surface db files
Prevent any refresh while files are reading to prevent crash
Fix a bug in the volume computation of the surface/volume tool
Add a number of new variables, and a few minor bug fixes