This menu is used to select the operation mode of the program. The File menu contains a number of buttons presented in 3 to 7 groups: "Mode 1D", "Class 1D", "Mode 2D", "Class 2D", ModeTAG", "Mode 3D" and "Class 3D". If a section does not have any item, it will not be displayed. For example, if the 2D database tree does not contain any class that has an interface, then there will not be any items in the "Class 2D" section and it will not be displayed. Modes from sliceOmatic basic package have a grey button, while modes imported from the "Additional Modules" section of the Web download pages have a cyan button.
Clicking on a mode button opens this mode's interface window and associates this mode to the current window. In this way, you can associate different modes to different windows (see "2D and 3D windows" in the Display Area).
The Simplified Modes:
This optional group of buttons is used to simplify the processing of slices using predefined scripts. For example, if the program is invoked with the "Alberta Protocol" shortcut, this group will be named "Alberta Protocol" and will contain 4 buttons named "Step-1" to "Step-4".
The 1D Modes: |
This group of buttons is for operations on the 1D database or for 1D manipulation of the images. A detailed description of each of these modes is given in the "The Additional Modules" section.
The 1D Classes: |
This group is for interfaces that are associated with classes present in the 2D database. If none of the database classes have an interface, then this group will not be present.
The 2D Modes: |
This group of buttons is for operations on the 2D database or for 2D manipulation of the images. A detailed description of each of these modes is given in the "The 2D Modules" section.
The 2D Classes: |
This group is for interfaces that are associated with classes present in the 2D database. If none of the database classes have an interface, then this group will not be present.
The TAG Modes: |
This group is for segmentation modes.
The 3D Modes: |
This group of buttons is for operations on the 3D database or for 3D manipulation of the images and geometries.
The 3D Classes: |
This group is for interfaces that are associated with classes present in the 2D database. If none of the database classes have an interface, then this group will not be present. |