Class: Rotating Cut


The Rotating Cut class is a new class for sliceOmatic 5.0.  This class enable you to create new frames that cut in the 3D volume on a plane defined by 3 points, and a number of planes rotating along the axis created by 2 of these points.


The Rotating Cut class is enabled through the 2D Mode: "DB Class management" interface.  Once you have an instance of this class in your database tree, a new "Rotating Cut" button will be present in the Modes menu.  This button will open the border's interface.



From the Graphic Interface




Instance selection

Select which of the instances of the class you want to work on.


On / Off

You can turn on or off one of the class branches.  If for example, you only want the resliced direction frames and will not use the original frames, you can set the "Dir. Original" to off and the "Dir. Reslice" to on.



Dir. Original

The interface display the frames that are in the original plane. The yellow indicator signals that the frames are to be present in the database tree. By default it is "On".


Dir. Reslice

Activate the new "Rotating Cut" frames.


Slice preview

You can see a preview of the region of interest applied to each frame. The slider lets you preview the frames.


Point selection


The center cut plane is defined by 3 points (tool: Point).  The first point is at the center of a new system, the second point define the new "X" axis, the third point define the "Y" axis. The class will create one new frame in the new "X-Y" plane and nunber of slices in the planes created by rotating around the "Y" axis by +/- "Angle" degres.


Nb slices


Total number of classes in the new Reslice direction



Angle (in degres) of rotation between each frames.

Update DB

Recompute the database taking into account the settings you selected.




From the Display Area


There is no Display Area interaction specific to this class.



From the Keyboard


There is no keyboard interface specific to this class.



From the Command Line


There is no command line or variables directly associated with this class.