2D Side View


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This tool enable will open a new window on the left of the current axial view. This window will display a side view of your volume.



You can also used this tool, in association with either the "2D Vertebral Label" tool or the "ABACS+" mode to assign labels to all the axial frames in your volumes.  These labels are required for the "ABACS+" mode.




The Side View will only display an image if you have a 3D volume.

The "Ray" button is only enabled if you have a CUDA compatible graphic card.



From the Graphic Interface




Without a CUDA compatible graphic card, the Side View interface will have 2 display modes "Slice" and "Volume"

With a CUDA compatible card, you also have the "Ray" display mode.



You can rotate the view in the "Side View" window using this slider.  The view will go from sagital (completely to the left) to coronal (completely to the right)


Display mode

Depending on the selected button, the Side View window will either show a cut plane going through the volume (Slice), a 3D volume visualisation using point cloud (Volume), or a ray traced view of the volume (Ray).  In these 3 modes, you can rotate the view aroun the "z" axis using the "Rotation" slider.







The first time you select either "Volume" or "Ray", the program has to pre-compute a number of components to create the side view.  It will take some time.  After that the refresh should be much faster. 

In order to help interactions, when the image is refreshed, the view will be of a lower resolution.  As soon as you stop interacting with the volume, the image will be recomputed at full resolution.


Light Intensity

For the Volume and Ray options, you can change the intensity of the light sources.



The light sources are defined and can also be controled by the "3D Light" tool.


GLI Threshold /

TAG transparency


If the TAG "None" is selected, this slider is used to select the threshold used to display any voxels that are not tagged. 


The threshold values of the slider cover the range of values of the voxels (range = highest value - lowest value).  The density of the voxels will go from 0 at (threshold - 1/4 range) to 1 at (threshold + 1/4 range).  The resulting volume is quickly affected by any changes to the threshold slider, we suggest you use the mouse wheel when the cursor is over the slider to change its value.


If any of the other TAG buttons are selected, the slider is used to compute the opacity of the tissues under the selected TAG. 


When the slider is in the left half of its range, the opacity is function of the gradient of the voxels (this help display the tissues boundaries), in the right half, the opacity is applied to the complete volume of the tissue.


When this slider is pushed completely to the left, the corresponding tissues will be turn off and no longuer be visible and the yellow indicator on the matching TAG button will turn grey.


TAG selection

In the "Volume" and "Ray" modes, all tagged tissues used in the volume will have their matching TAG buttons enabled.  You can change the opacity of each of these tissues by selecting their TAG value and changing the "TAG transparency" slider.


In the "Slice" mode, all the TAG buttons will be disabled.


Slice selection

You can use the selection box in the side view window to select specific slices from the volume.  The "Slice" and "Volume" display modes will show unseleted slices in a blue tint.

Select in Box will mark all the slices inside the red selection box in the side view window as the selected slices.  Any operation (such as ABACS+) that affect multiple slices will only opearate on the selected slices.

Select All will mark all the slices loaded in sliceOmatic as selected.




From the Display Area



In the Side View window:


In the side view window, you can use the mouse to create and drag a "selection" box.  This box can be used to select the slice inside the box ("Select in Box" button) or to label the slices inside the box either with the "2D Vertebral Label" tool or with the "ABACS+" mode.


The position of the current frame will also be displayed as a yellow horizontal line crossing the side view window.  You can change the current frame by pressing the "." (period) key on the keyboard while the cursor is over the side view window.



In the axial window:


In the axial view, the current frame will display the rotation center and rotation plane.  You can change the rotation center by dragging it with the mouse.  The angle of the rotation plane can only be changed with the "Rotation" slider.



You can only drag the rotation center if you are in a mode where the mouse is not used for something else.  For example, you can not drag it in the "edit" mode, since the mouse is used to paint.  but you can drag it in the "Display 2D" or "ABACS+" modes since these do not have a display area interaction




Working with the "2D Vetebral  Label" tool:



If you open the "2D Vertebral Label" tool, or if you are in the "ABACS+" mode, then a vertical "vertebral color" line and the associated vertebral labels will be displayed on the right hand side of the "side View" window.


The interaction between the "Side View" window and either the "2D Vertebral Label" tool or "ABACS+" mode will enable to assign vertebral labels to all the slices in your volume.


When you create a selection box in the "Side View" window, you will also see a red line at the right of the "vertebral color" line.  This red line cover all the slices that have been touched in the selection box.  All the slices marked by this red line will be affected if you select a lable in the "2D Vertebral Label" tool or "ABACS+" mode.


Once you assign a vertebral label to a group of slices, the "vertebral color" line for these slices will take the color of that specif label.  And, if there is enough room, the label will be displayed inside a circle. 

Labels that have been assigned manually will also have a white border.  Labels that have been interpolated by the computer will not have this border.



Here's how you can assign labels to all the slices in a 3D dataset using "Side View" and the "Vertebral Label" tool:



When you start, all the slices are marked as "Undefined"


You click and drag a box around the first vertebra of the volume.


You then assign a label to all the slices in this box


You create a new box around the last vertebra.


And assign a label to the slices of that box.


Once you have labeled the 2 extremities, the program will interpolate the labels for all the slices in between.


If the interpolation is wrong, you can refine it by manually labeling a few more vertebras using the selection box and the Vertebral Label tool.



From the Keyboard




Key map





"." has been mapped to the command: "Side: Select".


Pressing the "." key while over a side view will change the current frame of a group to the frame at the corresponding position on the side view.



There is no keyboard interface specific to this tool.



From the Command Line


System Variables defined in this tool:





Number of frames inside the selection box.




Pointer to a list of frame pointers for the frames inside the selection box.




Size of the points used in the "Volume" representation. (Default = 1.0)



Text commands defined in this tool:


Slice: Select

Activating this command while the cursor is over a side view will change the current frame of a group to the frame at the corresponding position on the scout.




The "Side: Select" command use the current mouse position.  So the command is only valid while the cursor is over the side view window.