




File headers

You can place 3 optional headers in the files you created:


The Patient Info header


For each patient used in creating the file we will have (if the information is present in the image's header):

Patient Name          

Patient ID

Patient sex

Date of Birth

Patient weight (Kg)

Patient height (m)




The Scanner Info header


For each scanner used in creating the file we will have (if the information is present in the image's header):







The Image Info header


For each image used in creating the file we will have (if the information is present in the image's header):

Resolution X Y          

Pixel Dim. X Y Z (mm)

Horiz. Dir. X Y Z          

Vert. Dir. X Y Z


Surf/Vol saving

You can select which of the available measures from the TAG Surface/Volume you want to save tool in your result files.


Float Fraction

You can specify whether you want the fractions in your floating point values to be delimitated by a dot (".") (example:12.34) or a comma (",") (example: 12,34). By default it is the dot.


Cell separator

You can specify the character you want to use to mark the end of a cell in your spreadsheet result files. By default it is the "tab" character.


Cell Filler

You can specify what should be placed in cells that have no values. For example, in a result file for multiple frames, if a TAG is not present in all the frames, then in some cells we will not have surfaces and volumes for it.


Default Dir.

You can specify the default path for the results files. There is only one "default path" parameter in sliceOmatic, so by default, this value is set to the path of the last file read or written.






Most of the parameters in this page can also be changed in the configuration menu of the Tag_Surface/Volume tool.