The color scheme will affect the appearance of the images in the display section.
The four buttons on the tool, “Grey”, “Mixed”, "Tint", “Over” and “Tag” control how the images are displayed in the Image Area. They are used to display either the GLI image, the TAG image or a combination of both.
From the Graphic Interface
Only the GLI image is visible.
The Tag color image is mixed with the GLI image. By default, each image is half its normal intensity and the two are added together. The “mixed” value can be modified with the “shift +” or “shift -“ keys so that the TAG image will appear more or less dense.
Since rev-4a, the Mix mode is slightly different, if you prefer the old look, set the variable "$COLOR_CLASIC" to 1, or press "Shift F2".
The GLI image is tinted with the TAG color. . The “tint” value can be modified with the “shift +” or “shift -“ keys so that the TAG image will appear more or less dense.
If the GLI values are black, the TAG color will not be seen.
The Tag color image is displayed over the GLI image. The GLI image is thus only visible in the regions where the Tag values are 0.
Only the Tag color image is visible.
Color map
This window displays the grey level color map used to display the GLI images.
Black / White
These sliders are used to control the contrast and brightness of the GLI image.
·All values smaller than the value of the black slider are black.
·All values greater than the value of the white slider are white.
·All values in between are interpolated linearly.
From the Display Area
There is no Display Area interaction specific to this tool.
From the Keyboard
The following commands can also be mapped to keyboard keys as a shortcut:
Key map
Set the color scheme mode for all windows: F1=Grey, F2=Mixed, F3=Tint and F4=Over
Decrease / increase the “mix” and tint density by .1 (from: 0.1 to 0.9)
From the Command Line
A list of the commands available for this tool can be found in the "SliceO_Tool\2D Color_Scheme.dll" section of Appendix B.