This toll enable you to create a sphere that "fit" a geometry by minimizing the distance from the selected points on the geometry to the surface of the sphere using the least squarre method.
The user select the geometry to "fit", a first match is created. The user can then manually nodge the sphere where he expect it to be, and using the "Culling" buttons, remove from consideration some of the nodes of the geometry to refine the fit.
•One of the culling buttons (Normlas") remove all nodes whose normal is not in the same direction as the normal of the sphere.
•Each click of the other ("Distance") remove 10% of the remaining nodes. The points are sorted according to their distance with the surface of the sphere, and the 10% farthest are removed. Each of these cullin steps can be undone or redone. When a culling step is activated, the target sphere is displayed in line drawing, the unselected points of the geometry are disp[layed in grey, and the remaining selected points are displayed in red.
Once a sphere is computed, the position and radius of the sphere are available for export in the "2D Results" tool. Also, 2 points are created: a "Center" point at the center of the sphere and a "Radius" poiunt that will be on the surface of the sphere along a line passing from the sphere center to the mean position of all the selected nodes.
First fit with all nodes |
Culling normals |
New fit |
From the Graphic Interface
Geometry selection |
You must select one (and only one) of the geometry from the provided list.
Sphere Position/size |
These display the current sphere position and its radius. You can manually change these if desired.
Culling |
By default all the nodes of the selected gemetry are selected to fit the sphere. You can remove some nodes of the selected node list with these "culling" buttons. •Normals: un-select all nodes whose normal is not in the same direction as the normal of the sphere •Distance: un-select the 10% nodes that are the farthest from the sphere's surafce •Undo: undo the latest culling step. •Redo: redo the latest undo.
Compute |
Compute a "best fit" sphere with all the selected nodes of the geometry using the lest squarre method.
Stamp Sphere to TAG |
You can stamp the voxels of any selected frames using the sphere's geometry. •Tag: Select the tag value used for stamping. •Mode: Select the stanping mode: Replace will replace the current tag value of a voxel with the selected value, Add will add the selected value to the current value of the voxels and Substract will substract it, •Stamp shell: All voxels stradling the sphere's surface will be stamped. •Stamp Fill: All voxels whose center are inside the sphere's volume will be stamped.
From the Display Area
There is no Display Area interaction specific to this tool.
From the Keyboard
There is no keyboard interface specific to this class.
From the Command Line
There is no command line for this class.