Tag Delete


The Tag Delete tool is used to delete all the pixels of a specific Tag value from the selected frames.


The interface will have enabled buttons for all the TAG values that exist in the selected frames.  The TAG values that are to be deleted will have the button's yellow light activated.  Pressing the "Compute" button will preform the deletion.



From the Graphic Interface




Tag List

Select a tag from the list.  Only TAG values that exist in the selected frames will have their buttons enabled.


Select All

Select all enabled TAG value


Select None

De-select all enabled TAG value



Delete the selected TAG values from all the selected frames.



From the Display Area


There is no Display Area interaction specific to this tool.



From the Keyboard


There is no keyboard interface specific to this tool.



From the Command Line


There is no command line or variables directly associated with this tool. However, you may want to look at the system dll "SliceO_System\Tag.dll" section of Appendix B.