3D Results


This tool is used to create an Excel file containing the different measurement results from different modules. You can select the measurement you want to appear in the excel file  and you can select the order of the cells.


When the file is first created, a 3 line header describing the cell's content will be created.  After that, if data is appended to the file, the header will only be repeated is the selected cell list has been modified.




If the "Anonymous" mode is activated, the saved values for "Patient Name" will be "anonymous", for "Patient ID" and "Study ID" it will be "xxxxxx".




The 3D Results tool will create one line in the result file for every geometry selected when the "Save 3D Results" button is activated.


If you want to save the volumes computed from the slices with the "TAG Surface/Volume" tool, you have to create an actual 3D geometry for each TAG using one of the "Shell" modes.



From the Graphic Interface





This button open the configuration menu for this tool.


Save 3D Results


Save the selected measurement to an Excel compatible (.csv) file.




The Configuration menu:





Restore the configuration values from the "Result_3D.scp" file in the user's directory


Save & Exit


Save the configuration values to the "Result_3D.scp" file in the user's directory and exit the configuration menu.


Exit the configuration menu without saving the values.



The Configuration menu: Cell selection page




All available values

You are presented with a list of all the available values that can be written to the Excel file.


Values saved


This is the list of the values that have been selected from the "All available values".  these will be written to the Excel file in the order they are presented in the list (the top most item will be the first cell of each line in the file.


For each selected slices in sliceOmatic, one line of data will be written to the Excel file using these values.


Cell Order

The arrow buttons can be used to change the order of the selected values in the list, and thus change the order of the cells in the excel file.  The "X" button delete a value from the list.



The Configuration menu: General page




Float Fraction

You can specify whether you want the fractions in your floating point values to be delimited by a dot (".") (example:12.34) or a comma (",") (example: 12,34). By default it is the dot.


Cell Delimiter


You can specify the character you want to use to mark the end of a cell in your spreadsheet result files. By default it is the "tab" character.


Cell Filler

You can specify what should be placed in cells that have no values. For example, in a result file for multiple frames, if a TAG is not present in all the frames, then in some cells we will not have surfaces and volumes for it.


File path

The result file's path can be either a fixed string (defined in the next field), or the path extracted from the last file read in the program.


Default file path

If you use a fixed path, you can select it here.


File name

The file name of the result file can be either a fixed string, a fixed string with a counter append to it, or a file selected from a pop-up file selection menu.


Default file name

The string use for the file name.  In the pop-up option, this will be the starting file name.


Always append

If the result file already exist, you have a choice of having a pop-up menu asking for your decision (overwrite/append or cancel), or having the program always append at the end of the file.



if the cell configuration is different than it was the last time data has been written to the file, a new set of headers will be written to the file. Otherwise, the program will just add one line per selected slices.


Auto backup

If this flag is set to "on", the program will automatically create a backup file each time it overwrite or append to an existing result file.  The backup are create in the same directory as the original but with the string "(backup).xxx" append to the name, where xxx is a counter going from 001 to 999.



From the Display Area


There is no Display Area interaction specific to this tool.


From the Keyboard


There is no keyboard interface specific to this class.


From the Command Line


Text commands defined in this tool:


Result: 3D Flag (backup | append | path | file) (0 | 1 [|2])

Set the one of the configuration flags:

backup:          (0=do not, or 1=always) automatically create a backup file when appending or overwriting an exiting file.

append:          0=when writing to an existing file, ask the user if he wants to overwrite or append at the end of the file.

                    1=always append at the end of the file.

path:          0=use a fixed path.

                    1=use the same path as the last opened file.

file:          0=use a fixed file name.

                    1=use a fix file name and append a counter number at its end.

                    2=open a file selection menu.


Result: 3D Path path_name

Path name used for the fixed path option


Result: 3D File file_name

file name used either as fixed name or as starting option.


Result: 3D Clear 

Clear the list of selected cells.


Result: 3D Add level_1 [level_2 [level_3] ]

Add a cell to the list of selected cells.