2D Color Map


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If the GLI (Grey Level Images) are monochrome, you can display them using a color map. By default the standard grey level color map is used. The lowest values are black and the highest values are white.



From the Graphic Interface




The map buttons

You have a choice of 4 color maps, the first 2 are standard and inverse grey levels, the second 2 use colors and can be modified by the user.



From the Display Area


There is no Display Area interaction specific to this tool.



From the Keyboard


There is no keyboard interface specific to this tool.



From the Command Line


System Variables defined in this tool:





Displayed color for invalid GLI pixel




Displayed color for GLI pixel outside the FOV




Currently used colormap (Default=0)




Number of defined colormaps (Default=5)




Size of each colormap (Default=4096)





 Array of pointers to the GLI colormaps.