Even though internally sliceO-5 is a completely different beast than sliceOmatic 4.3, from the user point of view is does look a lot like it did before.
Here's an list of the main differences.
The TAG file names
In the previous sliceOmatics, the GLI file name extension was replaced by ".tag". This would create problems if all the files had the same names but with different extensions (ex: toto.1, toto.2...).
In sliceO-5 the extension ".tag" is added AFTER the GLI complete name (including its extension). So the TAG file for "toto.1" will now be "toto.1.tag"
The concept of the Tag repository has been eliminated. You can still save your tags in a designated directory, but the program will not create sub-directories automatically for you.
A new suffix can now be added to the tag file name. This suffix comes after the GLI file's name and before the ".tag" extension. So if you add the suffix "test" and save the TAG file for "toto.1" it will be named: "toto.1.test.tag". The suffix are used when you want to segment the same GLI data multiple times (for example by multiple users, each would have his own suffix).
The Classes
The classes are also a new concept in sliceO-5. By default, the "Study" and "Series" classes are active, giving the same kind of tree that was present in previous sliceOmatics. But you now have full control over the composition of the database. This opens some new possibilities, like the Multiplex class to segment slices that have multiple acquisitions.
Multi Windows and Multi Modes
You can have up to 4 active windows (like in 4.3) and each of these can be associated with a different mode (that's new!). So, for example, you could have one window showing the frames in Morpho, another window showing them in Edit, a third showing them in Regin Growing and the fourth showing the frames in 3D. You can easily edit the frames in Morpho or Region Growing, then touch-it-up in edit all the while viewing the results in 3D. Just clicking in a window will activate the associated mode.
The Surface/Volume Tool
The Surface/Volume tool has been redesigned to be more flexible and to make it easier to create the result files you want. It now has its own configuration menu.
The Modularity
The biggest changes to the program are beneath the surface. It has been completely redesigned to be modular. Each class, tool and mode is now a separate DLL library. You can add a new module simply by placing its DLL in the appropriate directory before the program is loaded.
The User Classes, Tools and Modes
On top of its modularity, the structure of the program is now open. This means that anybody who wants to can create a new module for the program. The license system has also been redesigned to enable the user modules to be protected with their own license within our dongle. So if somebody would like to create a new segmentation module, but does not want to give it away for free, he can protect it with a license (we will provide the license generation program) and sell the license for his module.