B: The Mode DLLs





Commands recognized in this library:


Measure: t_measure Delete

Delete all the measurement instrument matching the template "t_measure".


Measure: t_measure Save file_name

Create a script file to re-create all the measurements matching the template "t_measure".


Measure: t_measure Write file_name

Create a text file containing the measures from all the measurements matching the template "t_measure".


Measure: t_frame Caliper name a_x a_y ...

Measure: t_frame Distance name a_x a_y ...

Measure: t_frame Dist_to_Line name a_x a_y ...

Measure: t_frame Profil name a_x a_y ...

Measure: t_frame Protractor name a_x a_y ...

Measure: t_frame ROI name a_x a_y ...

Measure: t_frame Ruler name a_x a_y ...

Create the specified measurement tool named "name" with the parameters "a_x", "a_y" etc on the frame matching "t_frame".


Measure: Propagate [up|down]

Propagate the result from the current frame to the next frame in the group, either up (the default) or down.




t_measure is a template for the measure names.

t_frame is a template for the frame names.






System Variables defined in this library:





Contour mode. 0=points, 1=lines.





Array of 3 sub-sampling values (x,y and z).  Sub-sampling values goes from 0 (no sub-sampling) to 10 (1 pixel every 10).



Commands recognized in this library:


Contour: Mode (line|point)

Assign a value to the $CONTOUR_MODE variable. 0 = point mode, 1 = line mode.


Contour: Sampling (x|y|z) value

Assign values to the x,y and z components of the $CONTOUR_SUBSAMPLING array.


Contour: Compute [line|point]

Compute the contour curve.  If the "line" or "point" parameter is present, it define the type of values.  Otherwise, the $CONTOUR_MODE variable is used.




System Variables defined in this library:





Shell reconstruction mode. This is a bit field with the values:

x01 = Mode Ouside

x02 = Mode Inside

x04 = Mode Border







Array of 3 sub-sampling values (x,y and z).  Sub-sampling values goes from 0 (no sub-sampling) to 10 (1 pixel every 10).



Commands recognized in this library:


Shell: Mode (inside|outside|border) (on|off)

Change the value of the specified bit in both $SHELL_LORENSEN_MODE and $SHELL_TOMO_MODE.


Shell: Sampling (x|y|z) value

Assign values to the x,y and z components of the $SHELL_TOMO_SUBSAMPLING array.


Shell: Compute (TomoVision|Lorensen)

Compute the polygon shell according to the select model.






Commands recognized in this library:


Flood: 2D cursor

Flood the region under the cursor with the current TAG value.


Flood: 2D x y

Flood the region starting at point x, y of the current frame with the current TAG value.



SliceO_Tag\Histogram Segmentation.dll


Commands recognized in this module:


Histo: Compute

Compute the segmentation.


Histo: t_tag Mode (Off|Manual|Auto)

This will set the mode for all TAGs matching "t_tag".


Histo: t_tag Min value

This will set the lower threshold values for all TAGs matching "t_tag" if these TAGs are in mode manual.


Histo: t_tag Max value

This will set the lower threshold values for all TAGs matching "t_tag" if these TAGs are in mode manual.


Histo: t_tag Peak value

This will assign the peak "value" to all TAGs matching "t_tag" if these TAGs are in mode Auto.


Histo: t_tag Width value

This will assign the width "value" to all TAGs matching "t_tag" if these TAGs are in mode Auto.


Histo: t_tag Slider (*|min|max) (lock|unlock|toggle)

Lock or unlock the sliders for the lower and higher thresholds of the TAGs matching "t_tag"





t_tag is a template for the TAG values.  It match either the TAG ID ("0" to "256") or the TAG label or "cur" for the current TAG value.





System Variables defined in this library:





Capture radius (in pixels). If clicking within this distance of mask's anchor point, the point itself is considered clicked.




The masks are either local (=0) or global (=1). This variable is used as default value when creating new masks.




The masks are either outlines (=0) or filled (=1). This variable is used as default value when creating new masks.




The number of created masks.





Array of pointers to the masks.




Pointer to the active mask.


Commands recognized in this library:


Mask: Radius value

Change the default value (=10.0) of the radius for the "Surface" shape.


Mask: t_mask Tag tag_num

Assign the TAG value "tag_num" to all the masks matching the template "t_mask".


Mask: t_mask Mode (global|local|outline|filled)

Assign the TAG value "global/local" or "outline/filled" to all the masks matching the template "t_mask".


Mask: t_mask Delete

Delete all the masks that match the template "t_mask".


Mask: t_mask Save file_name

Create a script file to re-create all the masks matching the template "t_mask".


Mask: t_frame Circle name a_x a_y ...

Mask: t_frame Polygon name a_x a_y ...

Mask: t_frame Quadrant name a_x a_y ...

Mask: t_frame Rectangle name a_x a_y ...

Mask: t_frame Spline name a_x a_y ...

Create the specified masks named "name" with the parameters "a_x", "a_y" etc on the frame matching "t_frame".


Mask: Propagate [up|down]

Propagate the result from the current frame to the next frame in the group, either up (the default) or down.




t_mask is a template for the mask names.

t_frame is a template for the frame names.





System Variables defined in this library:





Maximum number of "Merge" buttons.




Actual number of "Merge" buttons.




List of the merge parameters (1, ..., n)




Current "Merge" value.




Array of "Distance" parameters for the merges.




Array of "Surface" parameters for the merges.




Display mode for the watershed lines (0=off, 1=small, 2=thick).




Color of the watershed lines.


Commands recognized in this library:


Morpho: Line (off|small|thick)

Assign a value to the variable $MORPHO_LINE_MODE that control the appearance of the watershed lines.


Morpho: Color R G B

Assign a value to the variable $MORPHO_LINE_COLOR that control the color of the watershed lines.


Morpho: Param t_merge surf diff

Assign values to all the elements of $MORPHO_PARAM_SURF and $MORPHO_PARAM_DIST that match the template "t_merge".  These variables control the merge of the watersheds.


Morpho: [t_frame] Compute t_merge

Compute the merge of the watersheds for all merge matching the template "t_merge" for all the frames matching the template "t_frame"


Morpho: [t_frame] Close size

Morpho: [t_frame] Dilatation

Morpho: [t_frame] Erosion

Morpho: [t_frame] Open size

Perform Erosion, Dilatation, Open or Close Mathematical Morphology operation on all the frames matching the template "t_frame".  The Open and Close operation also have a "size" parameter that control the reach of the operation


Morpho: Propagate [up|down]

Propagate the result from the current frame to the next frame in the group, either up (the default) or down.




t_merge is a template  for the merge numbers ("1" to "4")

t_frame is a template for the frame names.





System Variables defined in this library:





Bit field that control how regions overwrite Tag values already present in the pixels (Grow 2D and 3D only):

x01 = The region does not overwrite a pixel with a Tag value equal (=) to the current Tag value.

x02 = The region does not overwrite a pixel with a Tag value superior (>) to the current Tag value.

x04 = The region does not overwrite a pixel with a Tag value inferior (<) to the current Tag value.

The default value is x03 (>=)




Array of bit-field modes for each TAGs.

x001 = The lower threshold is on

x010 = the hight threshold is on




Array of lower threshold values for all TAGs




Array of higher threshold values for all TAGs




Mode of the mouse wheel (0=off, 1=, 2= ).




Preview mode (0=off, 1=on).




Color of the preview.


Commands recognized in this library:


Region: Color R G B

Assign a value to the variable $REGION_PREVIEW_COLOR that define the color of the Region Growing preview.


Region: Preview (on|off|toggle)

Assign a value to the variable $REGION_PREVIEW_ON that define if a preview is shown.


Region: Mode (paint|2d|3d)

Set the sub mode of the Region Growing mode.  The choices are "paint", "2D or "3d".


Region: Wheel (off|min|max)

Assign a value to the variable $REGION_WHEEL_MODE that define the action of the mouse wheel.


Region: t_tag Min (on|off) [value]

Assign values to the element matching "t_tag" in the variables $REGION_TAG_FLAG and $REGION_TAG_MIN.  The $REGION_TAG_FLAG element is defined by the "on/off" parameter, the $REGION_TAG_MIN element is only assigned the vale "value" if the "on/off" parameter is "on".  This will set the lower threshold values for all TAGs matching "t_tag".


Region: t_tag Max (on|off) [value]

Assign values to the element matching "t_tag" in the variables $REGION_TAG_FLAG and $REGION_TAG_MAX.  The $REGION_TAG_FLAG element is defined by the "on/off" parameter, the $REGION_TAG_MAX element is only assigned the vale "value" if the "on/off" parameter is "on".  This will set the lower threshold values for all TAGs matching "t_tag".


Region: t_tag Slider (*|min|max) (lock|unlock|toggle)

Lock or unlock the sliders for the lower and higher thresholds of the TAGs matching "t_tag"


Region: Propagate [up|down]

Propagate the result from the current frame to the next frame in the group, either up (the default) or down.




t_tag is a template for the TAG values.  It match either the TAG ID ("0" to "256") or the TAG label or "cur" for the current TAG value.





Commands recognized in this library:


Snake: [t_frame] t_tag Radius value

Assign the radius "value" to all the points of all the Snakes associated with the Tag matching the "t_tag" template on the frames matching the "t_frame" template.


Snake: [t_frame] t_tag Capture value

Assign the capture range "value" to all the Snakes associated with the Tag matching the "t_tag" template on the frames matching the "t_frame" template.  The capture range determines how much the Snake can move to latch on the best gradient.


Snake: [t_frame] t_tag Delete value

Delete all the Snakes associated with the Tag matching the "t_tag" template on the frames matching the "t_frame" template.


Snake: [t_frame] t_tag Save file_name

Create a script file to re-create all the snakes matching the tags in the template "t_tag" from the frames matching the template "t_frame".


Snake: t_frame t_tag Create nb_pts radius capture

Create a new snakes on the frame matching "t_frame" for the tag matching t_tag.  This new snake will have nb_pts points with a default radius of "radius" and a default capture range of "capture".  The points for the snake will be given by a series of "snake: point" commands.


Snake: Point id x y radius

Add a point to a newly created snake.


Snake: Propagate [up|down]

Propagate the result from the current frame to the next frame in the group, either up (the default) or down.


Snake: Tag

Perform the "Snake to Tag" operation on the snake matching the selected TAG value.


Snake: Geom

Perform the "Snake to Geom" operation on the snake matching the selected TAG value.




t_tag is a template for the TAG values.  It match either the TAG ID ("0" to "256") or the TAG label or "cur" for the current TAG value.

t_frame is a template for the frame names.





System Variables defined in this library:





Maximum number of threshold sliders (= 4)




Actual number of threshold sliders. (Default = $THRESHOLD_MAX)




List of the thresholds (1, ..., n)




Array of threshold values for each threshold sliders.




Array of associated TAG values for each threshold sliders.




Mode of the mouse wheel (0=off, 1 to $THRESHOLD_NB ).


Commands recognized in this library:


Threshold: Threshold id value [tag]

Assign a value to the element "id" of the variables $THRESHOLD_GLI and $THRESHOLD_TAG if "tag" is present.


Threshold: Compute [val_1...]

Compute the segmentation for currently selected images.  If threshold values are given, they will be used for the segmentation, otherwise, the values fixed by the interface are used.


Threshold: Slider t_id (lock|unlock|toggle)

Lock or unlock the sliders matching the template "t_id".


Threshold: Wheel (off|1|2...)

Assign a value to the variable $THRESHOLD_WHEEL_MODE that define the action of the mouse wheel.