Pixel Info


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In this tool, information about the pixel under the mouse pointer is displayed.



From the Graphic Interface




Pixel info

This box displays the horizontal and vertical position of the cursor in the image. This position is given in image pixels. The value (0,0) is the lower left corner.


GLI info

This box displays the numerical value of the pixel under the cursor. For CT images, this value should be in Houndsfield units. For color images, the 3 RGB values will be displayed.


Tag info

This box displays the Tag value of the pixel under the cursor. The Tag value can range from 0 to TAG_MAX. (By default, TAG_MAX=127 and can be changed through the Preferences interface)


Coord. Info

This box displays the 3D coordinates of the pixel under the cursor. This value is given in the patient’s reference system (as defined in DICOM). It is computed from the image origin, the pixel dimensions and the gantry tilt.



From the Display Area


The values displayed in the interface are continuously updated to reflect any mouse movements.


From the Keyboard


There is no keyboard interface specific to this tool.


From the Command Line


There is no command line or variables associated with this tool.