Save Geometry


The whole idea of the ultrasound modes is to create a 3D geometrical model of the ultrasound dataset.  This is where you save the reconstructed 3D geometry.


The program will pop-up a "save" window where you can select the file's name and path along with the desired file format.



The supported export formats are:

MOVIE.BYU (.mov)

Autocad DXF (.dxf)

Wavefront OBJ (.obj)

VRML (.wrl)

STL ASCII (.stl)

STL binary (.stl)





If you do not have the sliceOmatic or the Ultrasound Module license, this button will be disabled.




Saving the geometry will consume one "Geometry" token for each new dataset you export.




This button is only available if you have create a 3D geometry.  Accessing any of the ultrasound modes will automatically create a 3D geometry.