Commands recognized in this library:
Measure: t_measure Delete
Delete all the measurement instrument matching the template "t_measure".
Measure: t_measure Save file_name
Create a script file to re-create all the measurements matching the template "t_measure".
Measure: t_measure Write file_name
Create a text file containing the measures from all the measurements matching the template "t_measure".
Measure: t_frame Caliper name a_x a_y ...
Measure: t_frame Distance name a_x a_y ...
Measure: t_frame Dist_to_Line name a_x a_y ...
Measure: t_frame Profil name a_x a_y ...
Measure: t_frame Protractor name a_x a_y ...
Measure: t_frame ROI name a_x a_y ...
Measure: t_frame Ruler name a_x a_y ...
Create the specified measurement tool named "name" with the parameters "a_x", "a_y" etc on the frame matching "t_frame".
Measure: Propagate [up|down]
Propagate the result from the current frame to the next frame in the group, either up (the default) or down.
System Variables defined in this library:
(U8) |
Contour mode. 0=points, 1=lines.
(A,U16) |
Array of 3 sub-sampling values (x,y and z). Sub-sampling values goes from 0 (no sub-sampling) to 10 (1 pixel every 10).
Commands recognized in this library:
Contour: Mode (line|point)
Assign a value to the $CONTOUR_MODE variable. 0 = point mode, 1 = line mode.
Contour: Sampling (x|y|z) value
Assign values to the x,y and z components of the $CONTOUR_SUBSAMPLING array.
Contour: Compute [line|point]
Compute the contour curve. If the "line" or "point" parameter is present, it define the type of values. Otherwise, the $CONTOUR_MODE variable is used.
System Variables defined in this library:
(U8) |
Shell reconstruction mode. This is a bit field with the values: •x01 = Mode Ouside •x02 = Mode Inside •x04 = Mode Border |
(U8) |
(A,U16) |
Array of 3 sub-sampling values (x,y and z). Sub-sampling values goes from 0 (no sub-sampling) to 10 (1 pixel every 10).
Commands recognized in this library:
Shell: Mode (inside|outside|border) (on|off)
Change the value of the specified bit in both $SHELL_LORENSEN_MODE and $SHELL_TOMO_MODE.
Shell: Sampling (x|y|z) value
Assign values to the x,y and z components of the $SHELL_TOMO_SUBSAMPLING array.
Shell: Compute (TomoVision|Lorensen)
Compute the polygon shell according to the select model.
Commands recognized in this library:
Flood: 2D cursor
Flood the region under the cursor with the current TAG value.
Flood: 2D x y
Flood the region starting at point x, y of the current frame with the current TAG value.
SliceO_Tag\Histogram Segmentation.dll
Commands recognized in this module:
Histo: Compute
Compute the segmentation.
Histo: t_tag Mode (Off|Manual|Auto)
This will set the mode for all TAGs matching "t_tag".
Histo: t_tag Min value
This will set the lower threshold values for all TAGs matching "t_tag" if these TAGs are in mode manual.
Histo: t_tag Max value
This will set the lower threshold values for all TAGs matching "t_tag" if these TAGs are in mode manual.
Histo: t_tag Peak value
This will assign the peak "value" to all TAGs matching "t_tag" if these TAGs are in mode Auto.
Histo: t_tag Width value
This will assign the width "value" to all TAGs matching "t_tag" if these TAGs are in mode Auto.
Histo: t_tag Slider (*|min|max) (lock|unlock|toggle)
Lock or unlock the sliders for the lower and higher thresholds of the TAGs matching "t_tag"
System Variables defined in this library:
(F32) |
Capture radius (in pixels). If clicking within this distance of mask's anchor point, the point itself is considered clicked. |
(U8) |
The masks are either local (=0) or global (=1). This variable is used as default value when creating new masks. |
(U8) |
The masks are either outlines (=0) or filled (=1). This variable is used as default value when creating new masks. |
(U16) |
The number of created masks. |
(A,P) |
Array of pointers to the masks. |
(P) |
Pointer to the active mask. |
Commands recognized in this library:
Mask: Radius value
Change the default value (=10.0) of the radius for the "Surface" shape.
Mask: t_mask Tag tag_num
Assign the TAG value "tag_num" to all the masks matching the template "t_mask".
Mask: t_mask Mode (global|local|outline|filled)
Assign the TAG value "global/local" or "outline/filled" to all the masks matching the template "t_mask".
Mask: t_mask Delete
Delete all the masks that match the template "t_mask".
Mask: t_mask Save file_name
Create a script file to re-create all the masks matching the template "t_mask".
Mask: t_frame Circle name a_x a_y ...
Mask: t_frame Polygon name a_x a_y ...
Mask: t_frame Quadrant name a_x a_y ...
Mask: t_frame Rectangle name a_x a_y ...
Mask: t_frame Spline name a_x a_y ...
Create the specified masks named "name" with the parameters "a_x", "a_y" etc on the frame matching "t_frame".
Mask: Propagate [up|down]
Propagate the result from the current frame to the next frame in the group, either up (the default) or down.
System Variables defined in this library:
(U16,R) |
Maximum number of "Merge" buttons. |
(U16) |
Actual number of "Merge" buttons. |
(A,U16) |
List of the merge parameters (1, ..., n) |
(U16) |
Current "Merge" value. |
(A,F32) |
Array of "Distance" parameters for the merges. |
(A,F32) |
Array of "Surface" parameters for the merges. |
(U8) |
Display mode for the watershed lines (0=off, 1=small, 2=thick). |
(C) |
Color of the watershed lines. |
Commands recognized in this library:
Morpho: Line (off|small|thick)
Assign a value to the variable $MORPHO_LINE_MODE that control the appearance of the watershed lines.
Morpho: Color R G B
Assign a value to the variable $MORPHO_LINE_COLOR that control the color of the watershed lines.
Morpho: Param t_merge surf diff
Assign values to all the elements of $MORPHO_PARAM_SURF and $MORPHO_PARAM_DIST that match the template "t_merge". These variables control the merge of the watersheds.
Morpho: [t_frame] Compute t_merge
Compute the merge of the watersheds for all merge matching the template "t_merge" for all the frames matching the template "t_frame"
Morpho: [t_frame] Close size
Morpho: [t_frame] Dilatation
Morpho: [t_frame] Erosion
Morpho: [t_frame] Open size
Perform Erosion, Dilatation, Open or Close Mathematical Morphology operation on all the frames matching the template "t_frame". The Open and Close operation also have a "size" parameter that control the reach of the operation
Morpho: Propagate [up|down]
Propagate the result from the current frame to the next frame in the group, either up (the default) or down.
System Variables defined in this library:
(U8) |
Bit field that control how regions overwrite Tag values already present in the pixels (Grow 2D and 3D only): x01 = The region does not overwrite a pixel with a Tag value equal (=) to the current Tag value. x02 = The region does not overwrite a pixel with a Tag value superior (>) to the current Tag value. x04 = The region does not overwrite a pixel with a Tag value inferior (<) to the current Tag value. The default value is x03 (>=) |
(A,U8) |
Array of bit-field modes for each TAGs. x001 = The lower threshold is on x010 = the hight threshold is on |
(A,F32) |
Array of lower threshold values for all TAGs |
(A,F32) |
Array of higher threshold values for all TAGs |
(U8) |
Mode of the mouse wheel (0=off, 1=, 2= ). |
(U8) |
Preview mode (0=off, 1=on). |
(C) |
Color of the preview. |
Commands recognized in this library:
Region: Color R G B
Assign a value to the variable $REGION_PREVIEW_COLOR that define the color of the Region Growing preview.
Region: Preview (on|off|toggle)
Assign a value to the variable $REGION_PREVIEW_ON that define if a preview is shown.
Region: Mode (paint|2d|3d)
Set the sub mode of the Region Growing mode. The choices are "paint", "2D or "3d".
Region: Wheel (off|min|max)
Assign a value to the variable $REGION_WHEEL_MODE that define the action of the mouse wheel.
Region: t_tag Min (on|off) [value]
Assign values to the element matching "t_tag" in the variables $REGION_TAG_FLAG and $REGION_TAG_MIN. The $REGION_TAG_FLAG element is defined by the "on/off" parameter, the $REGION_TAG_MIN element is only assigned the vale "value" if the "on/off" parameter is "on". This will set the lower threshold values for all TAGs matching "t_tag".
Region: t_tag Max (on|off) [value]
Assign values to the element matching "t_tag" in the variables $REGION_TAG_FLAG and $REGION_TAG_MAX. The $REGION_TAG_FLAG element is defined by the "on/off" parameter, the $REGION_TAG_MAX element is only assigned the vale "value" if the "on/off" parameter is "on". This will set the lower threshold values for all TAGs matching "t_tag".
Region: t_tag Slider (*|min|max) (lock|unlock|toggle)
Lock or unlock the sliders for the lower and higher thresholds of the TAGs matching "t_tag"
Region: Propagate [up|down]
Propagate the result from the current frame to the next frame in the group, either up (the default) or down.
Commands recognized in this library:
Snake: [t_frame] t_tag Radius value
Assign the radius "value" to all the points of all the Snakes associated with the Tag matching the "t_tag" template on the frames matching the "t_frame" template.
Snake: [t_frame] t_tag Capture value
Assign the capture range "value" to all the Snakes associated with the Tag matching the "t_tag" template on the frames matching the "t_frame" template. The capture range determines how much the Snake can move to latch on the best gradient.
Snake: [t_frame] t_tag Delete value
Delete all the Snakes associated with the Tag matching the "t_tag" template on the frames matching the "t_frame" template.
Snake: [t_frame] t_tag Save file_name
Create a script file to re-create all the snakes matching the tags in the template "t_tag" from the frames matching the template "t_frame".
Snake: t_frame t_tag Create nb_pts radius capture
Create a new snakes on the frame matching "t_frame" for the tag matching t_tag. This new snake will have nb_pts points with a default radius of "radius" and a default capture range of "capture". The points for the snake will be given by a series of "snake: point" commands.
Snake: Point id x y radius
Add a point to a newly created snake.
Snake: Propagate [up|down]
Propagate the result from the current frame to the next frame in the group, either up (the default) or down.
Snake: Tag
Perform the "Snake to Tag" operation on the snake matching the selected TAG value.
Snake: Geom
Perform the "Snake to Geom" operation on the snake matching the selected TAG value.
System Variables defined in this library:
(U16,R) |
Maximum number of threshold sliders (= 4) |
(U16) |
Actual number of threshold sliders. (Default = $THRESHOLD_MAX) |
(A,U16) |
List of the thresholds (1, ..., n) |
(A,F32) |
Array of threshold values for each threshold sliders. |
(A,U16) |
Array of associated TAG values for each threshold sliders. |
(U8) |
Mode of the mouse wheel (0=off, 1 to $THRESHOLD_NB ). |
Commands recognized in this library:
Threshold: Threshold id value [tag]
Assign a value to the element "id" of the variables $THRESHOLD_GLI and $THRESHOLD_TAG if "tag" is present.
Threshold: Compute [val_1...]
Compute the segmentation for currently selected images. If threshold values are given, they will be used for the segmentation, otherwise, the values fixed by the interface are used.
Threshold: Slider t_id (lock|unlock|toggle)
Lock or unlock the sliders matching the template "t_id".
Threshold: Wheel (off|1|2...)
Assign a value to the variable $THRESHOLD_WHEEL_MODE that define the action of the mouse wheel.