Mode Holes


In this tool, you can fill out all the holes inside the geometry.


The program will mark any voxels of holes found to be inside the surface of the geometry to be "holes".  When creating the shell, these voxels are considered filled, and no surface will be created around them, in effect removing any internal surfaces to the geometry.


Sometimes, a small holes in the surface connect the inside of the geometry to the outside.  The "Filing Radius" parameter can be used to close these small connection. 





Model with hole in the middle

Hole filled




In these images, we used clip planes (Mode ROI) to show the interior of the volume.




From the Graphic Interface





Enable or Disable the hole filling flags.  When disabled, all the "Holes" flags are removed from the volume, in effect turning this option off


Filling Radius

Activating the "Filling Radius" parameter enable the program to fill interior holes, even if they have small connection to the exterior.




From the Display Area


There is no Display Area interaction specific to this tool.



From the Keyboard


There is no keyboard interface specific to this mode.



From the Command Line