




Floating Menus

The 3 windows of the control area can be made floating or docked (the default).


Tool Size

You can select the size of the interface’s tools. If you are using a screen resolution of 1024x768 or less, it may be advantageous to use smaller interface tools. By default the large tools size is selected.


Undo Number

You can select the maximum number of Undo that the program keeps in memory. In order to undo most of the operations, the program has to keep a copy of the images in memory. If your system is running low on memory, it might be a good idea to reduce the number of Undos. By default the number of Undo is set to its maximum value: 20.


2D Overlays

The Overlays display information about the image, its patient and the acquisition modality. You can select which of these are displayed by default. You can always change the overlays through the “Overlay Tool”. By default the “Name” overlay is selected.


Scratch File

Baby SliceO creates temporary files, error log files and image snapshot files. You can specify in which directory you want these to be created. By default the scratch directory is “C:\Temp”.


Startup Script

You can have Baby SliceO execute a script at startup. This script usually contains some of your preferences such as Tag’s labels, segmentation threshold values, 3D light positions... By default the Startup Script is disabled.