Frame Selection


Most of the Actions in Baby SliceO will be performed on all the selected frames.  For example, in the Tag Surface/Volume tool, the computations are performed on all the selected frames.


By default, in Mode One, the displayed slice is the only one selected, and in Mode All, all the slices are selected. This selection however can be changed, either from the "Selection" tool, from the command line, or with the mouse in Mode All. Unselected frames will be displayed without their red component.



From the Display Area in Mode ALL


·Clicking outside the frames will unselect all frames.

·Clicking outside the frames and dragging the mouse will select all the frames inside the selection box.

·Clicking on the icon of the db tree will select all the frames in this branch.

·Clicking on an frame will select this frame.

·Clicking on the icon of the db tree while pressing the CTRL key will toggle the selection of all the frames in this branch.

·Clicking on a frame while pressing the CTRL key will toggle the selection of this frame. (Note: If the frame is already selected and it is not the current one, the first click will be used to make it the current one, the second click will do the selection toggling).

·Clicking on an frame while pressing the SHIFT key will select all frames from the last selected frame to the pointed frame.



From the Keyboard


The following key shortcuts can also be used:



Key map





Toggle between MODE ONE and MODE ALL. When going to MODE ONE, only the current frame is selected. When going to MODE ALL, all the frames are selected.





Switching from Mode ALL to Mode ONE will change the frame selection.  In Mode ONE only the current frame is selected. When going to MODE ALL, all the frames are selected.