Dominant Hand

You can select which hand hold the edition tool.


Edition Factor

When doing GLI edition, you can increase the speed of the edition by changing this factor.


Hand model

Your hands can be seen in VR as either a model of the touch devices, simple cube outlines, or not at all.


Display Room

The VR edition is done inside a grey room.  If your graphic card has difficulties maintaining the 90 frames sec required, you can turn off the room.


Mirror World

A copy of the view seen in the VR goggles is displayed in the 3D window.  It can be the view from the right eye, the left eye, or an anaglyph image of both eyes (in which case, the room is not displayed), or completely turn off if your graphic card has difficulties keeping the required 90 frames seconds. 


The actual number of frames displayed can be found in the right hand corner of the window.


Haptic Feedback

You can change the haptic feedback.  "Off" completely turn it off, and the values "1" to "10" control its intensity.


Back face

To improve speed, the polygons that are facing away from the eyes are not displayed.


Interactive Frame

You can enable the non-dominant hand hand trigger to advance to the next frame in a multi frame dataset.