B: The Tool DLLs



Baby_Tool\2&3D Memory.dll


Memory: Clear (*|images|undo|geom)

Clear the memory buffers for one (or all) of the categories.



Baby_Tool\2&3D Window.dll


System Variables defined in this library:





Maximum number of windows (=10)




Current number of windows (1 <= $WINDOW_NB <= $WINDOW_MAX)




List of all windows (1, 2, ..., n)





 Pointer to the current window




 Pointer to the window under the cursor




 Array of pointers to the windows.


Commands recognized in this library:


Window: Config (split|floating|free)

Specify the window's modes (at this time only "split" is supported):

·Split: the Display Area is split in 4 windows

·Floating: you can have up to $WINDOW_MAX windows.  They are floating but limited to the Display Area.

·Free:  you can have up to $WINDOW_MAX windows.  They are floating and are not limited to the Display Area.


Window: Split horizontal vertical

Specify the vertical and horizontal divider in the Display Area.  This will reformat the 4 windows.


Window: t_window Mode (one|all|toggle)

Specify the current mode of the windows matching the template "t_window"


Window: t_window Color R G B

Specify the color of the borders of windows matching the template "t_window"


Window: t_window State (one|off)

Specify the current state of the windows matching the template "t_window"


Window: t_window Position left top width height

Specify the position of the windows matching the template "t_window"


Window: t_window Sliders horizontal vertical

Specify the value of the horizontal and vertical sliders of the windows matching the template "t_window"




t_window is a template for the window. It match either the widow ID ("1" to "4") or "cur" for the currently selected window.






Baby_Tool\2D Color_Scheme.dll


System Variables defined in this library:





Curently selected color scheme (0=Grey, 1=Mixed, 2=Tint, 3=Over, 4=Tag)




"Black" slider;s value




"White" slider's value




0=new style, 1=old style of "Mix" mode


Commands recognized in this library:


Color: Grey

Assign the value 0 (=Grey) to the $COLOR_SCHEME variable.


Color: Mix [value]

Assign the value 1 (=Mixed) to the $COLOR_SCHEME variable. If "value" is present, assign its value to the variable $TAG_MIX that control the mix of GLI and TAG colors The accepted range

for "value" is from 0.1 to 0.9.


Color: Over

Assign the value 2 (=Over)  to the $COLOR_SCHEME variable.


Color: Tag

Assign the value 2 (=TAG) to the $COLOR_SCHEME variable.


Color: Black value

Assign the value "value" to the $COLOR_VAL_MIN variable that control the color of the GLI images. (see Color Scheme in The 2D Tools)


Color: White value

Assign the value "value" to the $COLOR_VAL_MAX variable that control the color of the GLI images. (see Color Scheme in The 2D Tools)



Baby_Tool\2D Debug.dll


Commands recognized in this library:


Debug: Database

List the content of the database classes (this is equivalent to the "Database: List" command)


Debug: Filter (on|off|toggle)

Change the displayed GLI image from the normal image to the "Filtered" image.  The filtered image is used in some modes such as Morpho and Snakes.  It is the first step in the computation of the image's gradients.  Before the gradient are computed a 3x3 smoothing filter is applied on the images.


Debug: Gradient (amp|x|y|z) (on|off|toggle)

Change the displayed GLI image from the normal image to the "Gradient" image.  The gradient image is used in some modes such as Morpho and Snakes. You can display either the intensity of the gradient, or the amplitude of one of the direction component of the direction of the gradient.


Debug: WS (on|off|toggle)

Change the displayed TAG image from the normal image to the Watreshed "WS" image.  The watershed is compute in the Morpho mode.


Debug: Merge (1|2|3|4) (on|off|toggle)

Change the displayed TAG image from the normal image to the one of the Morpho merge images.



Baby_Tool\2D Frame.dll


System Variables defined in this library:





Scaling factor to apply when increasing or decreasing images (Default = 1.5)


Commands recognized in this library:


Frame: Scale (value|inc|dec)

Change the scaling factor for all the selected frames


Frame: Current (value|inc|dec)

Change the current frame by selecting one of the children of the current parent of the current frame. 


Frame: Offset Pos x y z

Offset the position of the current frame.


Frame: Offset d value

Offset the position of the current frame by adding an offset value in the "z" direction.


Frame: Offset t value

Change the time value of the current frame.


Frame: Parent (value|inc|dec)

Frame the current frame by making one of the parent class the current class.


Frame: Frame value

Change the current frame by selecting one of the frames of all the available frames.  This command enable to go through all the frames in the DB.



for $cur in ( $FRAME_LIST ) {

          echo: Frame -> $cur

          frame: frame $cur




Baby_Tool\2D Gamma.dll


System Variables defined in this library:





Curent Gamma value (Default = 1.0)




Number on entries in the Gamma table (= 256)




Array of $GAMMA_NB Gamma map values used to remap the "Aplha" color values (glPixelMapfv( GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A, nb, alpha))




Array of $GAMMA_NB Gamma map values used to remap the R G and B color values (glPixelMapfv( GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R, nb, pt))


Commands recognized in this library:


Gamma: Set value

Assign the value to the $GAMMA_CUR variable that set the current Gamma correction value (0.3 <= Gamma <= 3.0)



Baby_Tool\2D Pixel Grid.dll


System Variables defined in this library:





Display (=1) or not (=0) a grid on top of the image's pixels. (Default=0)




Minimum scale value for the grid to be displayed (Default=5)




Color of the grid


Commands recognized in this library:


Grid: On (on|off|toggle)

Assign a value to the variable $GRID_ON.


Grid: Min value

Assign a value to the variable $GRID_MIN.


Grid: Color R G B

Assign a value to the variable $GRID_COLOR.



Baby_Tool\2D Overlay.dll


System Variables defined in this library:





Bit field that control the 2D overlay display:

·x01: file overlay on/off

·x02: name overlay on/off

·x04: patient overlay on/off

·x08: technical overlay on/off


Commands recognized in this library:


Overlay: 2D bit_field

Overlay: (file|name|patient|technical) (on|off|toggle)

Assign a value to the $OVERLAY_2D variable.





Baby_Tool\3D Background.dll


System Variables defined in this library:





Array of 4 colors. One for each corner of the windows.


Commands recognized in this library:


Background: (top|bottom) (left|right) R G B

Assign a value to the elements of the $BACKGROUND_CORNER variable.



Baby_Tool\3D Light.dll


System Variables defined in this library:





Maximum number of light sources. (= 8)




Current number of defined lights (Default=5)




List of all the lights (1,..., n)




Array of light states (0=Off, 1=On, 3=Ambient)




Array of light colors




Array of pointer to the light's directions


Commands recognized in this library:


Light: t_light State (on|off)

Assign values to the elements of $LIGHT_STATE specifying the state of the light sources. (0=Off, 1=On). 


Light: t_light Dir x y z

Assign values to the elements of $LIGHT_DIR specifying the direction of the light sources.


Light: t_light Color R G B

Assign values to the elements of $LIGHT_COLOR specifying the color of the light sources.




t_light is a template for the light names ("amb", "1" to "4")



Baby_Tool\3D Overlay.dll


System Variables defined in this library:





Bit field that control the 2D overlay display:

·x01: global overlay on/off

·x02: local overlay on/off

·x04: box overlay on/off

·x08: slice overlay on/off


Commands recognized in this library:


Overlay: 3D bit_field

Overlay: (global|local|box|slices) (on|off|toggle)

Assign a value to the $OVERLAY_3D variable.



Baby_Tool\3D Shading.dll






Baby_Tool\3D Transfo.dll


System Variables defined in this library:





Type of 3D mouse interface. (0=Track, 1=Classic, 2=Patient)


Commands recognized in this library:


Transform: Mode (track|classic|patient)

Assign a value to the $TRANSFORM_INTERFACE variable. (See Transform in The 3D Tools)


Transform: t_window Camera x y z

Place the observer at the position x, y, z for all the windows matching the template "t_window".


Transform: t_window Center x y z

Center all the windows matching the template "t_window" around the point x, y, z.


Transform: t_window FOV angle

Change the camera Field Of View "angle" to all the windows matching the template "t_window". Accepted values for "angle" range from 0.0 to 179.0 degrees. A value of 0 will yield an orthogonal projection. The default Camera has a FOV of 27 degrees.


Transform: t_window Matrix a11 a12 a13 a14 a21 ... a44

Directly set the matrix elements. The 16 parameters of this command will be inserted in the 4x4 transformation matrix.of all the windows matching the template "t_window".


Transform: t_window Pivot angle x y z

Rotate "angle" degrees around the direction specified by x, y, z all the windows matching the template "t_window".


Transform: t_window Restore

Restore the transformation matrix all the windows matching the template "t_window".


Transform: t_window Rotate x y z

Rotate all the windows matching the template "t_window".


Transform: t_window Scale value

Scale all the windows matching the template "t_window".


Transform: t_window Translate x y z

Translate all the windows matching the template "t_window".




t_window is a template for the window. It match either the widow ID ("1" to "4") or "cur" for the currently selected window.